The Best WP Engine Alternative

Why WP Bolt is a better choice:

No Limits on Pageviews

WP Bolt does not place any limitations on pageviews.

DNS Hosting Included

WP Bolt includes DNS hosting, which makes it easier to set up your site and point it to your new WP Bolt service.

E-Mail Accounts Included

Unlike WP Engine, we include email hosting. You can host them on your WP Bolt server at no extra charge.

Better Value for Money

WP Bolt offers you better value for money. Our plans start at $12/month, less than half the price of WP Engine's lowest plan.

Simple, Easy-to-Understand Pricing


  • Host up to 5 domains
  • 25GB Disk Space
  • 1GB RAM, 1 vCPU
  • 2TB Bandwidth
  • Free Migrations
  • 24x7 Technical Support
Get Started


  • Host up to 10 domains
  • 50GB Disk Space
  • 2GB RAM, 2 vCPUs
  • 3TB Bandwidth
  • Free Migrations
  • 24x7 Technical Support
Get Started


  • Host up to 20 domains
  • 100GB Disk Space
  • 4GB RAM, 4 vCPUs
  • 5TB Bandwidth
  • Free Migration
  • 24x7 Technical Support
Get Started


  • Host up to 50 domains
  • 180GB Disk Space
  • 8GB RAM, 8 vCPUs
  • 6TB Bandwidth
  • Free Migration
  • 24x7 Technical Support
Get Started

All prices listed are in US Dollars and exclude any applicable VAT/GST which will be added during the checkout process.

When it comes to choosing a WordPress hosting provider, WP Engine and WP Bolt are often at the forefront of people’s minds. Both offer robust features tailored to meet the needs of websites big and small. But how do you decide which one is right for you? I’ve delved into each platform’s offerings to help make your decision-making process a bit easier.

WP Engine prides itself on being a premium managed WordPress hosting provider. It offers top-notch security, high-speed performance, and excellent customer support. The company has been around since 2010 and has earned its reputation as an industry leader in managed WordPress hosting.

On the other hand, WP Bolt operates differently by providing customers with managed WordPress VPS hosting services. This means that instead of putting hundreds of sites on one shared server like traditional web hosts, WP Bolt uses Virtual Private Servers to give your site dedicated resources, which are just for your own site. Not only does this approach ensure faster website speeds but also reduces chances of site crashes during traffic surges.

There’s something important to note here – while both WP Engine and WP Bolt provide managed WordPress solutions, their offerings differ greatly in terms of infrastructure and pricing models. So, let’s dive deeper into these differences to see how they stack up against each other!

Why you should choose WP Bolt if you’re looking for a WP Engine alternative

Both WP Engine and WP Bolt offer Managed WordPress Hosting services for agencies. However, WP Engine uses an older-style model of web hosting, where customers share their servers with other customers, similar to Bluehost and GoDaddy. WP Bolt, on the other hand, uses the latest Virtual Private Server (VPS) technology to give each customer their own private server to run their WordPress sites.

Remember though – there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to web hosting services. Both WP Engine and WP Bolt carry their own set of pros and cons, which we’ll discuss here.

What Makes WP Bolt Stand Out

Firstly, our pricing model is quite straightforward and transparent. Unlike other hosts that lure customers with low introductory prices only to hike them later on, WP Bolt maintains consistency in its pricing. This means there are no nasty surprises when your renewal bill arrives – you know exactly what you’re paying for.

Secondly, we offer a pay-as-you-go system which is perfect if you’re expecting traffic fluctuations or running a seasonal business. You don’t have to worry about getting stuck in long-term contracts or having unused resources. Just scale up as per your needs and pay accordingly.

Next up is performance – an aspect where WP Bolt truly shines! They’re committed to ensuring top-tier speed and reliability for your website, which is why we’ve built our infrastructure on Vultr’s Cloud and offer a separate Virtual Private Server for each customer, to avoid the “noisy neighbour” problem on shared hosting environments like WP Engine.

Lastly but certainly not least – we pride ourselves on our customer support! Whether it’s ticket support available 24/7 with 15 minute response time, or an extensive knowledge base packed with useful guides and tutorials – help is never too far away when you need it.

So there we have it! These qualities make WP Bolt stand out from the crowd in the fiercely competitive world of web hosting platforms.

No Artificial Limits on Visitors

WP Bolt has no artificial limits on the number of visitors. On the other hand, WP Engine’s pricing is based on the number of visitors that your site receives and this can easily result in overages or requests to upgrade to larger plans when you otherwise wouldn’t need to.

In addition to visitor limits, WP Engine has very small bandwidth allowances, starting at a paltry 50GB of monthly bandwidth on their Starter plan at $30 per month. In comparison, WP Bolt’s Starter plan includes 1TB – a whopping 20x more than WP Engine.

E-Mail Hosting is Included

WP Engine doesn’t allow you to receive email at the domains that you host on servers that you manage with their software. You’ll need to arrange your email hosting separately with a third-party service like Google Workspace, Office 365 or Fastmail to get email hosting. This means a second provider to pay separately, and potentially a second billing relationship to manage (WP Engine and your email hosting provider)

WP Bolt, on the other hand, allows you to host your company’s email on your server at no extra charge. Removing yet another cost and headache of managing different relationships for different services.

We Give You More Space

The entry-level plan from WP Engine only has 10GB of disk space. You might quickly find yourself struggling with that limit if you have a site with a lot of images, video or other media (eg podcast sites, membership sites, WooCommerce stores). Our smallest plan has 25Gb of disk space, over double more than what WP Engine offers.

Final Thoughts on Choosing Between WP Engine and WP Bolt

When it comes to choosing the right hosting platform, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. I’ve delved deep into the features of both WP Engine and WP Bolt in this blog post and hopefully, you’ve gleaned some insights that will help guide your decision.

WP Bolt is recognized for its flexibility and affordability. If you’re looking after cost-efficiency without compromising on performance or if you need control over server resources – WP Bolt could be your go-to solution.

But before making any decisions…

I urge you to carefully evaluate your website needs first. What might work wonders for one site may not necessarily do so for another. Each of these platforms has their strengths – it’s now up to you to decide what fits best with your specific requirements.

To sum it all up: Regardless of whether you choose WP Engine or WP Bolt, both are credible choices packed with impressive features designed to power your WordPress site successfully.

Sign Up for WP Bolt Today

If you’re looking for a WP Engine alternative, we hope you can see now that WP Bolt is a great option for you. Check out our plans and sign up today.