Best WordPress Directory Plugins: Find the Right One for Your Site

Published on February 20, 2023 by Simon Wright

Several options are available if you want to create a directory for your website. However, if you use WordPress, the easiest method is to use one of the many available WordPress directory plugins.

This article will explain what WordPress directory plugins are and why you need one. We will then show you six of the best currently available and give tips on getting the most out of your chosen one.

What is a WordPress Directory Plugin?

Directories are used to list businesses, events, products, staff, or any other information you want to organize and display to visitors to your website.

Adding a directory to a WordPress website is easy using a plugin. Plugins extend the functionality of the platform without needing any technical know-how. And, of course, they allow you to add directories to your site quickly and easily.

Why Use a WordPress Directory Plugin?

There are several benefits to using a WordPress directory plugin:

  • As already mentioned, no technical (i.e., coding) knowledge is needed, making directory creation fast and easy.
  • Customization options allow you to match your directory with your website’s design and functionality.
  • Your website visitors will benefit from an enhanced user experience as they can easily find the information they want within the directory.
  • Users are more engaged, as many WordPress directory plugins allow them to leave reviews and feedback on listed businesses, events, or products. Moreover, such feedback can provide valuable insights to help improve your directory.
  • A well-structured directory can improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Moreover, WordPress directory plugins make it easy to add meta descriptions, tags, and other important SEO elements to your directory listings. This can improve the visibility of your directory in search results and increase the chances of attracting new visitors to your website.

Choosing the Right WordPress Directory Plugin

When choosing a WordPress directory plugin, there are several factors you need to think about:

1. Purpose of the Directory

The purpose of the directory is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a WordPress directory plugin. Different plugins are designed for different types of directories. For example, should you wish to create one for a business, you should look for a plugin specifically for this purpose. On the other hand, if you need an event directory, you may want to include options for users to add event details, dates, and location information.

2. Features

The features of a WordPress directory plugin are crucial in determining the functionality and usefulness of your directory. When choosing a plugin, you should consider the specific functionality you need based on the purpose of your directory. Some key features to consider include the following:

  • Listing management for handling and organizing listings.
  • Search and filter options to help users quickly find what they are looking for.
  • User interactivity allows users to interact with the directory by leaving reviews, feedback, and ratings, all of which can increase engagement and improve the quality of your website.
  • Map integration is important for many types of directories, especially business directories.
  • Customization options allow you to change the look and feel of your directory to match your website’s design.
  • Integrations with platforms like social media, email, payment systems, etc. These can help improve the functionality and user experience of your directory.
  • Reporting and analytics for tracking directory performance so you can identify if any improvements are necessary.

3. User-Friendliness

User-friendliness is a crucial consideration when choosing a WordPress directory plugin. A simple-to-use one makes it easy for you to manage and update your directory and for your users to interact with it. Therefore, the plugin’s interface should be intuitive and straightforward, allowing you to add and edit listings, manage categories, and customize the look and feel of your directory easily.

Furthermore, a user-friendly plugin should provide clear instructions and documentation to help you get started and make the most of its features. The plugin should also make the directory easy for your users to navigate, with a clear and organized layout and search and filter options to help them find what they are looking for.

4. Compatibility

Ensure the plugin is compatible with your WordPress theme and other installed plugins. Doing so will avoid conflicts and reduce the potential for site downtime.

5. Cost

Consider the cost of the plugin and whether it fits within your budget. Luckily, free and premium options are available, so you should find something that suits your wallet.

6. Support

Ensure the plugin’s developer performs regular updates and has good customer support in case you need help. Nothing is more frustrating than having a plugin not maintained in line with WordPress updates, as that can result in things running abnormally.

7. Hosting

A website and its plugins are only as good as the server where they reside. Having a fantastic directory site that is constantly out of action due to server issues is pointless. While the low price of shared hosting is appealing, it has many disadvantages. For example, numerous other websites share server bandwidth and resources, meaning this type of hosting tends to be unreliable and unsecured.

Thankfully, a better option is available: VPS, or virtual private server hosting, like that from WP Bolt. With VPS hosting, you get your own dedicated server space and resources. The result: your site will be faster, more secure, and less prone to server outages than shared hosting.

Our Picks of the Best WordPress Directory Plugins

Many directory plugins are available for WordPress, and you should consider the factors discussed earlier when choosing one. However, to give you a head start, here are our suggestions for some of the best that are currently available:

1. GeoDirectory

GeoDirectory is a powerful directory plugin that allows you to create virtually any type of directory, including businesses, classifieds, staff, events, and more. It has a large following and is therefore tried and tested.

The GeoDirectory plugin is packed with features, making it one of the best options available in the market. For example, expect to find things like:

  • Customizable templates
  • Advanced search and filter options
  • Map integration with custom map styles
  • Custom fields for adding additional information to listings
  • Multi-language support
  • Custom post types
  • Pricing manager to set listing prices and manage bids, taxes, and invoices
  • Range of widgets, shortcodes, and blocks

While GeoDirectory is a free plugin, some of the more advanced functionality is only available with the addition of premium add-ons.

2. Simple Business Directory

Simple Business Directory is a lightweight and user-friendly WordPress directory plugin designed to help you create and manage a directory of businesses or organizations. It provides an intuitive and straightforward interface that makes it easy to add and edit listings, manage categories, and customize the look and feel of your directory. With Simple Business Directory, you can quickly and easily create a directory of local businesses, service providers, or any other type you need.

Some of the key features of Simple Business Directory include:

  • Listing management for easy adding, editing, and managing listings
  • Customizable templates
  • Advanced search and filter capabilities
  • Custom fields for adding extra information to listings
  • Google Maps integration with address autocomplete
  • ‘Tap to call’ feature
  • Stripe and PayPal payment gateway integration
  • Multi-language Support

The core Simple Business Directory plugin is free. However, the best functionality comes with the paid Pro version, details of which are available here.

3. Directorist

Directorist is a powerful and flexible WordPress directory plugin designed to help you easily create and manage directories. It offers extensive features and customization options, making it an excellent choice for companies, organizations, and individuals who want to create a directory of any type, e.g., businesses, events, classifieds, staff, etc.

Key features of Directorist include:

  • Listing management for easy organization of your listings, including options to approve or reject listings and edit listings as needed
  • Advanced search and filter capabilities
  • User interactivity by way of reviews, feedback, and ratings
  • Map integration
  • Extensive customization options
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Popular payment gateway integrations
  • Multi-language support

Directorist is a free plugin, although some functionality is only available via paid extensions.

4. Business Directory Plugin

An excellent option for creating a directory of businesses, products, or services is Business Directory Plugin. As the name implies, this plugin is primarily designed for business directories, although that does not preclude it from other applications. Moreover, it offers a range of customization options allowing you to match it to your website’s design and functionality precisely.

Some of the features offered by the Business Directory Plugin include:

  • Library of directory templates
  • Powerful search and sort options
  • Google Maps integration with custom map sizes
  • Various payment gateway integrations
  • Customizable form fields
  • CSV import and export
  • SEO friendly

Business Directory Plugin is free, but in common with most freebies, you will need to upgrade to a paid version to get the most useful features.

5. Classified Listing

Classified Listing is a user-friendly WordPress directory plugin for creating and managing classified listings. Whether you are looking to create a directory of local classifieds, job vacancies, real estate listings, etc., Classified Listing has you covered. With its impressive feature set and customization options, you can easily create a directory that meets your needs.

Some of the most notable features of Classified Listing include:

  • Unlimited custom fields
  • Social profiles
  • Search and filter capabilities
  • Frontend user dashboard options allow users to manage their accounts and data
  • Ad control with automatic and manual ad approval
  • Several payment gateway integrations
  • SEO optimized
  • Admin and user email notifications

The free version of Classified Listing includes the basic functions. However, you need a Pro subscription for the more advanced (and useful) features.

6. HivePress

HivePress is a versatile plugin that enables you to build any type of directory website. It is simple to use, versatile, and highly customizable. HivePress is a fantastic option for any business, job board, real estate, classified advertisement, or staff directory.

Some notable features of HivePress include:

  • Listing categories
  • Custom form fields
  • Powerful search filters, including location search
  • User ratings and reviews
  • Users can send private messages
  • Users can have a favorites list
  • Variety of monetization options

As with all other plugins we have listed, HivePress is free, but you will need to add some extensions to get the most out of it. While some are free, most are premium and, therefore, payable.

4 Top Tips for Getting the Most Out of WordPress Directory Plugins

1. Choose the right plugin

Select a plugin that best suits your needs and has the features you require. Choosing wisely from the outset will help avoid hassles later on.

2. Make it visually appealing

Maintain brand consistency by using images, colors, and fonts that match your website’s design.

3. Make it user-friendly

Ensure the directory is easy for your site visitors to navigate and search.

4. Keep the directory updated

Visitors to websites expect information presented to them to be current and accurate, so make sure yours is.


WordPress directory plugins are an excellent method for adding directories to your website. They offer a range of customization options, are easy to use, and provide a better user experience for your website visitors. Moreover, the plugins suggested in this article are some of the best available, and you can choose the one that matches your needs and hit the ground running. Therefore, when selecting a plugin, consider the purpose of the directory, the features you require, user-friendliness, compatibility with your other plugins and theme, cost, and available support.

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